Change your definition of “being on track” when it comes to fitness

A common phrase I have used in the past is “I am going to get back on track when...” While I understand the sentiment sometimes I think that phrase is following an event or season that I may feel guilty about such as slightly overeating or missing a workout or two (sound like Christmas for anyone?😬)

Now, is missing a workout to hang out with family I never see a crime? I don’t think so. What if during the holidays we showed ourselves a little more grace and included that as part of our normal fitness routine? Rather than getting “off track” what if we shifted our thinking so that we never left?

I don’t want you to hear me say that eating like crazy and forgetting about your goals is what you should do. I think your goals should always dictate your actions. I’m just saying maybe we shouldn’t stress out too much if we celebrate a holiday once or twice a year and it doesn’t match up exactly with our plan.

I know this may seem contradictory to my last message about missed workouts. I think if you have completely just ditched your workout plan for a week or two that is a whole different story and that it is in fact warranted to say that “you got off track”

Jake Reynolds